duminică, 22 iulie 2012



Farscape - Unrealized Reality [season four, episode eleven]. Fragment.
JOHN: Nice threads. Helps to humanize you. Makes it easier for me to sympathize with your problems. MAN: Time. [John tilts his head slightly, makes no response.] MAN: Time. JOHN: Zzup? MAN: Time. JOHN: Flies. MAN: Time. JOHN: Bandits. MAN: Time. [The man begins moving closer, John’s response taking on a harder edge.] JOHN: Wounds all heels. MAN: Time. JOHN: [singing] Rosemary and Thyme… MAN: Time. [John pulls a small pulse weapon from the flight harness over the EVA suit and fires.] JOHN: Zzup. [The energy of the pulse bolt freezes about a foot from the well dressed man’s face. The man looks… vaguely disappointed, turning he moves back toward the far side of the ice floe, muttering one more time…] MAN: Time. [John eyes the small pistol wryly.] JOHN: [to self] Either stop pointin’ guns at people or get a bigger gun. [John takes a few steps closer, almost following the well dressed man who appears to be examining the frozen pulse bolt, which is, itself, continuing in it’s flight… at a much subdued rate.] MAN: Time is… [Long pause while John takes another, disinterested look around.] JOHN: Infinite. [Clearly thinking of a better answer, giving it with greater interest.] JOHN: Relative. [The energy of the pulse bolt winks out as the well dressed man turns back toward John.] MAN: You are quite a simple organism to possess the knowledge you do. JOHN: You’re only sayin’ that ’cause you don’t know me. MAN: Time is meaningless and yet it is all that exists. JOHN: Very Morrissey. My name is Jo— MAN: Yes. JOHN: And yours is… MAN: Unimportant to our encounter. JOHN: [mirthless chuckle] Exactly. I love how you lay it out there, Einstein. So let me ask you, without… getting existential on me— why am I, why are we… here? EINSTEIN: You are present to perish, I am present to effect that outcome.

Aparent, trăim de-a lungul unui singur fir temporar. Chestia asta o numim, pompos, REALITATE. O considerăm imanentă, imuabilă, aşa ne e cel mai uşor sa ne-o reprezentăm, pentru a fi împăcaţi cu sine, prea multe întrebări existenţiale strică echilibrului interior. Însă potenţialităţile care-au dus la realitatea actuală ar fi putut duce, în anumite condiţii, la un număr infinit de realităţi alternative, unele din ele abia diferite, altele de-a dreptul antagonice cu aceasta. Cineva apropiat mi-a spus cîndva că ...trecutul se varsă-n prezent şi se transformă în viitor ca nişte coarde elastice, mişcătoare vibrant spre vîrf. [....]


Trecutul e unul din prezenturile posibile, la un moment dat, în funcţie de deciziile tuturor celor implicaţi, fiecare participînd, funcţie de importanţa lui în context, cu o anumită pondere. După concretizare rămîne fix, oarecum opac, înconjurat însă de celelalte prezenturi potenţiale, oarecum mai transparente decît cel concretizat, izvorîte din diverse variante ale trecutului. Viitorul e în permanentă schimbare, ca un evantai de posibilităţi mai mult sau mai puţin transparente, cu inflexiuni ici si colo. Uneori, viitorul se "concentrează" pe una - două - trei variante, de probabilitate mai mare decît celelalte, adică mai puţin transparente. Uneori sînt doar una - două căi de urmat, cu probabilitate mare. Însă se poate întîmpla să apară şi ceva neaşteptat, ca un nou punct de inflexiune, modificînd radical viitorul aparent cel mai probabil. De aceea raţionamentul corect este "se va întîmpla aşa (viitorul 1 probabil), dacă X ia decizia A (punct de inflexiune 1), Y ia decizia B (punct de inflexiune 2) ş.a.m.d.". La fel, pentru celelalte viitoruri probabile... Fascicule de corzi, vibrante la vîrf, ce imagine.

Mulţi dintre noi regretăm decizii greşite luate cîndva, în trecut, momente de cotitură cînd am fi putut face ceva mai mult ori mai bine, iar asta ar fi dus poate la concretizarea altor realităţi, la alte prezenturi / alte viitoruri, din perspectiva noastră de-acum mai bune. Nu putem schimba trecutul, oricît am vrea. Putem schimba însă, prin deciziile noastre de-acum, viitorul. Acolo ar trebui să ne concentrăm, nu asupra regretelor ce încă ne macină pentru trecute greşeli. Dacă luăm în continuare decizii bune, gîndite în perspectivă, dacă eliminăm frica din inventar, dacă nu mai tragem după noi balastul regretelor, avem atunci şansa să ne mişcăm liberi, ca entităţi cu liber arbitru, construindu-ne singuri realitatea dorită.
Cineva, dintr-un preaplin sufletesc, m-a ajutat recent să cîştig această perspectivă: privirea înainte şi fără regrete. În speranţa că mă voi ridica la înălţimea momentului, cu drag, îi mulţumesc.

Farscape - Unrealized Reality [season four, episode eleven].Bigger fragment. 
Act opens with close on John [Crichton], on his back, eyes closed, in a field of white. Eyes opening almost immediately, he lifts his head slightly, peering through the clear face shield to take in his surroundings. His voice expresses low certainty, and then mild disgust.
JOHN: Kansas… in the winter.
Cut to long and angle down as he levers himself to hands and knees and then to feet. He looks around what appears to be a large ice floe at the center of a black, featureless sea. Pillars of white ice surround a fractured central valley.
JOHN: (comming) D’Argo… Pilot…. (to self) Ah, hell, I’m gettin’ that “goin’ to the Island of Misfit Toys” thing.
He moves to the edge of the ice floe and peers into the blackness, then looks around the ice.
JOHN: (continues muttering to self) Or just waitin’ on the Titanic. Well, as long as this whole deal doesn’t end up with me as an old man. (shouting) Hello! Nanook?! Beelzebub?!
His hail is interrupted by a swirling noise as the water around the ice floe churns with several black whirling vortexes which surround the ice.
JOHN: Yeah, let’s get it on. Get it over with.
In the relative silence John turns abruptly, correct in sensing someone behind him. On the other end of the ice floe a man wearing a black suit and tie stands, hands folded at his waist, his eyes black and fathomless. They watch each other silently for a long beat broken by John’s caustic good humor, replacing that compassionate understanding thing.
JOHN: Nice threads. Helps to humanize you. Makes it easier for me to sympathize with your problems.
MAN: Time.
John tilts his head slightly, makes no response.
MAN: Time.
JOHN: Zzup?
MAN: Time.
JOHN: Flies.
MAN: Time.
JOHN: Bandits.
MAN: Time.
The man begins moving closer, John’s response taking on a harder edge.
JOHN: Wounds all heels.
MAN: Time.
JOHN: (singing) Rosemary and Thyme…
MAN: Time.
John pulls a small pulse weapon from the flight harness over the EVA suit and fires.
JOHN: Zzup.
The energy of the pulse bolt freezes about a foot from the well dressed man’s face. The man looks… vaguely disappointed, turning he moves back toward the far side of the ice floe, muttering one more time…
MAN: Time.
John eyes the small pistol wryly.
JOHN: (to self) Either stop pointin’ guns at people or get a bigger gun.
John takes a few steps closer, almost following the well dressed man who appears to be examining the frozen pulse bolt, which is, itself, continuing in it’s flight… at a much subdued rate.
MAN: Time is…
Long pause while John takes another, disinterested look around.
JOHN: Infinite.
Clearly thinking of a better answer, giving it with greater interest.
JOHN: Relative.
The energy of the pulse bolt winks out as the well dressed man turns back toward John.
MAN: You are quite a simple organism to possess the knowledge you do.
JOHN: You’re only sayin’ that ’cause you don’t know me.
MAN: Time is meaningless and yet it is all that exists.
JOHN: Very Morrissey. My name is Jo—
MAN: Yes.
JOHN: And yours is…
MAN: Unimportant to our encounter.
JOHN: (mirthless chuckle) Exactly. I love how you lay it out there, Einstien. So let me ask you, without… getting existential on me— why am I, why are we… here?
EINSTEIN: You are present to perish, I am present to effect that outcome.

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